@Gabby-Correia I felt it made more sense to stick with my same yeti so I could build a little cohesive feel, although I’ve played around with a couple different styles for each so far.
Here is my entry for this month. I have been busy with other projects, and didn't get to do the last two months...but I wanted to get at least one Yeti in before the theme changes.
@Gabby-Correia I didn't do the last two contests, so I had to make it all up for this one. I think I will go back and do 5he other two, just for fun.
Thanks @ValD @alicepelot
already looking forwrd to the next prompt haha
@donnamakesart I love this!
Grateful for svs classes and contests this year, I feel like I’m finally developing a sustainable style that fits my personality
thanks @SaherYosry
@chrisaakins love the rendering! the sack and carrots kook real 3D
@donnamakesart thank you!
@HeatherBouteneff that’s so awesome! I’m hoping to get there within a year too. Any advice?
@KayPotter I feel like such a noob still, it is really an honor to even be asked that! I think approaching the classes openly have helped me, as well as following the "look to the masters" advice. I started including illustrators that I have always loved- Jerry Smath, Murial Fahrion, Christopher Santoro etc and find my own art place that makes me feel that cozy and happy.
In regards to this yeti challenge, and as aspect that I honestly failed at, it reminds me a lot of the Clown-Arounds by Jerry Smath. Everything they owned was so obviously theirs and amazing. -
Here's my yeti cooking !
I have to say, you guys are so GOOD ! So much cool ideas and illustrations!
@ValD I love your yeti! Nice style!
@Kim-Rosenlof thank u so much!
@ValD this is fantastic! Great work. I love the colours and the whimsical feel to this piece.
Hello SVS community! Here is my Yeti cooking for February!
I just finished my first SVS course "Creative Composition". Such a great course & I really took to heart the emphasis on planning and sketching out concepts in advance. I know that seems obvious, but I've always been a 'just start drawing and see what happens' kind of artist (I'm learning now that illustration requires so much more) it was a huge challenge for me to design and really think about the concept for this one, I hope you guys like it. Good luck everyone, I love seeing all your work!!!
Wales putting his foot in it!
@chrisaakins This is a beast. Way to kill it!
@donnamakesart this is so beautiful