William Palacio's sketchbook
Rendering practice for third Thursday. I want to render out my third Thursday image but I'm a bit out of practice so I did a quick sketch and did some black and white rendering. Still a bit rusty but think I'm ready to start on my final now.
Some more digital painting practice
Warm up painting from tonight
Some practice from this morning
Practicing more digital pencil cross hatching.
Some more hatching practice.
Some black and white rendering practice.
This is great
@Rachel Thank you very much. Here is another test. Trying to find a faster way to render and keep some of my lines. This test came out a bit muddy.
More practice. Still trying to find a process that matches speed and results. Not there yet.
A couple more rendering tests.
@evilrobot What are the different processes that you tried?
I'm trying to combine my sketches with painting somehow. Goal is to get a result I can live with that doesn't take me forever to complete. I'm just basically messing around with different rendering styles and layer modes. I've tried cross hatching, values first, under lighting on a multiply layer and then using overlay and screen layers for lighting, I've tried to paint in the occlusion on a multiply layer first and Then just use flat colors.... tried leaving my line work at different opacity over my rough paintings so I don't have to paint so much detail.... I've been having fun with the hatching but I"m probably going to scrap that Idea because it's too hard to go to color from there. Still haven't really settled on any style that I can live with yet.
Wow! Way to stick to it! 2 thumbs up I really like the swamp creature boy's style. It has a sort of freedom with it's line work and reminds me of woodcut images in a way. I don't see many styles like that in current children's work!
Keep at it.
@evilrobot These are really nice! - i especially like the swamp creature - he looks like he's asking you to write and illustrate a story with him in it ... i'm pretty sure that is the look on his face anyways i see that reduction print or woodcut feel that Katrin mentioned - very cool
Thank you very much for the feedback. I do like the texture I get with the hatching. Going to try a few more things before I start painting new pieces for my portfolio. I'd like to combine the hatching with the painting some how....I gave it a shot with this quick image....kind of looks like I threw everything at the wall to see what stuck...but I feel like I'm getting closer something.
Another test. Put the texture over it before I started painting...kind of like the result. Also I don't have to get the transitions super tight because the grain of the texture helps to blend stuff in. Might mess with this style some more.
More hatching
More sketching