SVS Tees
B love the scribble work
I like B best, but I love Dulcie's idea of adding the letters. Then we get to explain to people what it is. I'm hoping at some point you put these for sale on site - would definitely buy one for myself but I don't get out of Wisconsin much.
I love B the best without lettering on the front bunny design and think it would look great with SVS on the back of the tee.
But working off of @Dulcie cute design, it could be fun to play and experiment with. I think there needs to be more clarity with the V shape of the ears and the lettering if you plan on going that route. see B1. Or you could just put SVS below the bunny too as in example B2, if you really think it needs to be stated on the front of the shirt with your SVS font. I just quickly hand drew these ones on. When I think of SVS, I automatically see red, black and white so I think it could be nice to have all three colors in the design somehow.
Overall I think having letters near the ear messes too much with the overall nice clear shape of the rabbit so it's a tough call because it is a cool idea that Dulcie suggested.
What ever one you go with, I want to be able to buy one!! So exciting!!
Here's the voting results:
A: 0
B: 10
Thanks for your input everyone!
I had another idea on this theme...looks like it might be too late for this time, but anyway - I remembered that @Jake-Parker posted this piece recently:
......and I wondered whether it might be interesting if Jake were to do a mash-up of this robot concept, but with the red rabbit and the SVS lettering instead, like this (you could take out the lettering bit or have SVS separately, lots of options..):
This would work if you wanted to do a white T-shirt design instead of black.... but aside from T-Shirts... if @Lee-White, Will and Jake were to all sign a print of it (or another 'SVS special' piece, if there were other ideas...), it would make a great prize for 3rd Thursday winners - ie. the only way to get a print of this particular piece , would be to win 3rd Thursday. Personally speaking I'd be motivated to try to win that as a prize (would be something exclusive and special...) ...just another idea for the melting pot
Oh man that's a great idea. haha. I love it!
@Dulcie That is amazing!
I want one!!!
Oh, I want one too! Is there a way to purchase them if we are not able to attend CTNx?
Yes! You will be able to purchase them. Along with a bunch of other stuff! Big plans in the works right now... More details later!
@Lee-White Hooray!
Right in my neck of the woods. I look forward to meeting you all, or whoever is able to make it.
I'd choose either B or D. I'm not going to CTNx either, but I'd love to buy one as well
@Dulcie I don't know the significance of the red rabbit to SVS...
@amberwingart A red rabbit appears in some form on pretty much all of the 3rd Thursday illustrations that Will, Jake and Lee have drawn, so they see it as part of the SVS branding...
As per Jake:
"Will and I were going to do an illustrator conference called SVS JUMP. It would be all about making big jumps in your career, technique, and abilities. I thought a cool mascot for that would be a red rabbit.
Then when we started doing 3rd Thursdays I put a little red rabbit in my image, and we kept putting him in there for most of the 3rd thursday images."
@Lee-White Do we still get the conference too, because that sounds awesome??
@Lee-White How cool to hear the story behind it! I'd completely forgotten about the rabbit. I second the motion to have an SVS conference!
I know i'm late, but i love B too...i will order one as soon as it is available!! so awesome
I know this is an old thread. But I keep thinking how cool these SVS t-shirts are. I hope there will be some future way for students to get a t-shirt. online or in person.
A SVS conference or even a small meetup would be amazing.
I attend a local university, but I am more likely to show off my SVS school pride. maybe I should paint my face, and pretend that SVS has a big football game today.