how do I upload images to instagram?
@quietyell I have problems uploading images on the forum aswell
@leontine What size image are you trying to upload? Also which icon are you clicking on "Upload Image" or "Upload File"
@chip-valecek Really small 73KB. JPG neither PNG. I get a note that 'I don't have permission'. Normally I never have problems uploading files on this forum.
I upload my images through "Gramlr"
just google Gramblr you'll find a link to download it.
Once downloaded, sign in with your insta account, and you are ready to go. -
@quietyell I think I have got it working Thanks so much for the information the whole thing had me baffled.
@doha Thanks Doha I think I got it working with quiet yells trick ,but thanks anyway.
@dottyp That's awesome! So glad you can post from your computer with this way. It's a lot cheaper than buying a phone/tablet just to do it!
@quietyell Thanks I should be getting some stuff posted soon.
@quietyell fantastic! I didnt know this, since I'm a chrome user:
In Chrome, go to and sign in. Now right-click the page > Inspect > click the Tablet icon (top-left). The page should switch to mobile view, where you'll find a camera button at the bottom of the screen, which lets you upload a photo from your desktop.It's that easy? I always put it in a concept mail, then opened it on my ipad and then post. This is so much easier! Thanks!
@dennis-spaans Yes! This was a delightful surprise to me too! Glad it will help you!
This post is deleted! -
@Rex-Wright this post was from 2017 tho