26 Aug 2019, 20:29

@Lee-White holy cow! Thanks for all the info! That’s a wealth of knowledge right there. Love the place you can buy mats in bulk. That’s fabulous. 50cents a mat and backer sound great. I don’t use canvas, but those floater frames make me want to do some. They look lovely. The other frame sources are good too. It’s so hard to invest in your business. I wish i could pay $1 a frame and it still look nice! The mindset of this is for showing off your work and protection vs finding the most wonderful frames for you patrons helps a lot. I didn’t even think about the width of a canvas. I know it’s fancy to work on the thick sides, but traveling with them thinner makes so much sense. And painting on the edges is fine, but I bet it is SOOOO much safer to frame those corners like you said.

The standard size info was helpful too. I worked at Michaels in the frame department in college. I totally recommend working in framing as a supplementary income to artists. It’s super helpful to learn those skills. Like knowing how to cut your own mats and how much cheaper things are if you work in standard sizes. Those will help your bottom line. I did a few pieces that I painted on the actual size (5x7) and now they aren’t centered. Now i have to cut custom mats. Always leave room in the margins!

Thanks again Lee! So much useful information.