Awesome news congrats, your portfolio look great
So cool. Really really happy for you :smiling_face_with_open_mouth_smiling_eyes:
@NessIllustration yes they said childrens books specifically.
@Nyrryl-Cadiz Congratulations I bet you are so excited. Your portfolio is lovely. I always assumed you already had an agent because your work was so good. Best of luck for the future
@NessIllustration I have never applied to an agent ,but I loved reading this lets me know what to expect. I can totally see me sending a email with the wrong agency name now I know to be extra careful.
Fantastic news
@DOTTYP LOL yes please don't do like I did hahaha!
@NessIllustration Better to learn by others mistakes lol
@NessIllustration Hi! Oh yes, I almost forgot to mention that before you were signed, their team first screens the work you submitted and even then, they could still reject you. I was very nervous during this part. Perhaps the most nervous during the whole process. I’m sorry that it didn’t work out for you but now that you’re with Astound. Everything turned out alright. It’s funny how the two agencies who declined us ended up signing the other.
Oh! That wrong email must’ve stung but to be fair I also did the same mistake just recently too! I applied to one agency but I forgot to replace the name of the other agency whom I applied to first. Needless to say, I did not hear from them. LOL!
it’s these kind of things illustrators should watch out for. I kinda find those agents’ response as unprofessional though. It’s a bit rude to say they’re tossing out your application just because of that mistake. Anyway, I’m sure you’re over that now. Things worked out and I bet great things are in your horizon.
@TessaW hi! Thank you so much! I’m really happy my work inspires you. That’s something I don’t hear often. Again, thank you so much!
@lenwen @Eli @StudioLooong @BichonBistro Thank you so much!
@Nyrryl-Cadiz @NessIllustration
Omg both of you, everyone actually!
Dont write anything in the “to” part of the email until you’re finished writing the whole thingg (at least that helps me not make that mistake, and also if i forget to attach something because ive done that)
@Nyrryl-Cadiz You know I kind of thought the same about that response from Lemonade! After their harsh answer, I replied back explaining that I am at the beginning of my career, am not sure which agency to choose yet and picked x agencies to apply for this time that I think might be a good match for my art style. I apologized for my mistake but assured them just because I copied my little intro doesn't mean I'm not interested in working with them or haven't done my research. But I never heard back from them again after that. Artists have it rough out there at the beginning of our careers and I think it's unrealistic to expect an artist to only apply to one single agency, especially since you can't actually tell if an agency is going to be a good fit when you've never worked with them before! To expect an artist to pick an agency from a guess and only apply to them would in my opinion show poor business sense from the artist. I was hurt and disappointed that instead of just passing over my submission, they felt the need to reply to tell me I messed up and twist the knife in the wound. After this experience I have to say I'm no longer interested in Lemonade agency. But I'm very happy with Astound so I feel it all worked out like it was meant to
I'm very happy you ended up with Advocate Art too! Despite not ending in the way I had hoped with them, they were very professional, helpful, knowledgeable and treating me with kindness and respect the whole process. I think it's a good one!
@Aleksey This is really good advice LOL
@Amanda-Jean thank you! That’s alright. I’m really over it. I don’t have any hard feelings. I actually tried to apply to Allied Artist just last June and the same person responded positively. They also wanted me fix my style a bit. They were based in the UK and most of the artists they represent had more of a European illustration style. I think it would’ve been a bit drastic of a departure from what I do. Luckily, Advocate came along and they didn’t want me to change my style so I went with them instead. They’re a great agency but I guess they’re just not for me.
@KathrynAdebayo Thanks! I’m really excited too! I hope I can write and illustrate my own book someday. Thank you for all the help.
@Kat @Zachary-Drenski @burvantill @juliepeelart @JennyJones @Phil-Cullen @DOTTYP @xin-li @NelsonYiap Thank you so much for all of the help and kind words!
@Nyrryl-Cadiz Just wanted to add my congratulations on your perseverance and a job well done!
@LauraA thanks, Laura! That means a lot!