It's been a good while (update)
@smceccarelli, great feedback - thank you!
@smceccarelli hi, Simona! Thank you so much for the response. It’s very helpful. I’m currently signed with Advocate Art. I like them but I’m currently stuck doing educational books and though I appreciate the money they’re paying me, these books are just so uninspiring. I’ve always wondered if there’s something more I can do to receive more story book (or is the right term trade books) projects.
I think you made a great point in connecting with people through book fairs and conferences. I might just join the Bologna or Frankfurt book fairs in the future. Provided I earn enough money for the trip. Lol
Anyway, regarding connecting with art directors through fairs, do you just walk up to them during the event, introduce yourself, and give them a post/business card? Or do you need to sign up for an appointment like a portfolio review or something?
I apologize if I’m starting to sound annoying.
This topic is really just so interesting for me and you know so much. Thank you!
@Nyrryl-Cadiz Yes, that’s pretty much how it works.
Some publishers publish open slots on their booths (things like: Tuesday from 3-4: portfolio reviews). These are first-come first-served, so lines form up to 1-2 hours before the slot starts and you have to be lucky to still be viewed within the slot. But it works: 6 contracts and counting just from standing in those lines. If they have scheduled slots, they will not view portfolios outside of those.
Otherwise, you just walk up to the receptionist and say something like “Hallo, I’m an illustrator, and I was wondering if I could show my portfolio to somebody here at ...(Insert name of publisher).” Some will make arrangements, others will give you a card with their submission guidelines and contacts (which I follow up immediately after the fair), others will just take a card.
It is possible to make appointments beforehand, but not easy at the start - I only managed one in my first year and two in my second. Much easier once you have worked with a few people (I had six lined up before they moved the Bologna fair this year)... -
@smceccarelli Thanks Simona! Do publishers announce that they only have limited slots on their sites?
@Nyrryl-Cadiz Not that I know of. They post them on their booths at the fair itself (that’s for Bologna and Frankfurt)
@smceccarelli i see. Is it really hard to get into these slots? I imagine illustrators are scurrying to these lines as quick as possible. Lol
or am I wrong? Also, are these free or do the publishers ask for a fee?
@Nyrryl-Cadiz Some are harder than others, but it’s all manageable with a little bit of planning and patience. You do need to turn up at least one hour before the start in most places, but I’ve had good luck also squeezing in last minute.
No, of course there’s no fee!
Be forewarned that large american publishers don’t do that kind of thing - at most you may be able to drop a card. It’s mostly European and UK publishers who offer these slots and a couple of lesser known US ones (I got two contracts from a US publisher this way). UK publishers are wooed a lot (don’t know why), so lines there are particularly long.
I stopped standing in UK publisher’s lines last year as it was made clear to me a couple of times that my style does not fit the UK market. That’s a learning - if you look through the booth and you don’t see anything even remotely close to what you do, there’s no point waiting for a slot. -
@smceccarelli thanks! These are all very valuable info.
@smceccarelli i just read for the Bologna Children’s Book Fair that the event is moved to may due to the COVID-19. That sounds really concerning. Are you still going?
@Nyrryl-Cadiz I rescheduled accomodation but I can cancel the day before with a full refund. I’m going if the fair is taking place (which is uncertain at this point - but fingers crossed).
Hi @Eric-Castleman! Thanks so much for checking back in, and of course I remember you! And thanks to @smceccarelli for weighing in as well. This is all such valuable information and I am generally encouraged by the success of SVS artists.
I feel a bit behind the professional curve but am determined to keep going until I catch up. Would love a critique group! Would like to eventually do stories, but illustration first.