@ambiirae You're really close to great piece. I tried to preserve your style and chin is untouched (we need more diversity in portraits).
For the face I..
Moved the nose off center.
Enlarged the left eye to match the right.
Nudged the left eye a little to the right.
Gave the left eye some more white.
Moved the lips down.
Shortened the left eyebrow.
I played around with shadows under the neck and blush on the face for rendering.
The fur texture looks good to me. All I recommend is to add line work to unify the piece. I just drew in the lines freehand; no method (I did a lazy execution, but you get the idea).
As for the hair, I think the bangs are too thick. Maybe make it a more stringy, add gaps. For the bun part, the lines need to less conformed and should follow the skull shape. Be conscious how hair can be light in some areas, weighted down in others.