My 3-year old Book FINALLY Gets Released!
@Kevin-Longueil well, the book I did with HarperCollins is out since last month. Here's the link.
here's a sneak peek
Awesome! Congrats!
Congratulations @Nyrryl-Cadiz! Great to see a project make it through the legal challenges!
@Nyrryl-Cadiz Congratulations!! Looks beautiful ! You are hard worker !
@jdubz @Jeremy-Ross @Jordi-Ventura Thsnks everyone.
Wow! I'm so glad this finally came to a satisfactory end! As a former South Carolinian (and Southerner in general), I can only say that, yes, they take their football very seriously down there! The book is cute, though, with well designed kid characters, and I like your mascot, even though I know the original Gamecock is a darker red
@LauraA thanks! I'm glad you like it too. I'd have to agree my mascot design is really off from the original. I was hoping to give it my own spin.
@Nyrryl-Cadiz Congratulations!!!!
@Heather-Boyd thanks
Wow congratulations! It's mad how long it can take for a book to be published after the illustrator has completed the work
big congratulations. It is crazy how long it takes for a book to come out.
Congratulations, great news!
Congrats! That is so exciting and it looks great!
@Shyam-Sailus @eriberart @xin-li @nadyart @K-Flagg thanks everyone
Congrats !!! thats awesome and it looks great.
@Jonathon-B-Baker-0 Thanks!
Congratulations! This is inspiring to me as I work on my first book
And I love your style.
@StudioHannah thank you!
️ Tho my style has changed since I completed this one.
Wow, congratulations! and happy book birthday! it looks pretty fun