tech wizards..pdf into indesign?
Hi my techy friends, is there a way to import a pdf into indesign? Thankyou in advance!
You can place the individual pages of a PDF into InDesign, just like you would an image. However, just like an image, they are not editable. Unfortunately, there is no way to import a PDF into InDesign and edit it. (Really obnoxious, I know.)
I usually use Illustrator or Acrobat to edit PDFs.
@lmrush If you have Acrobat Pro you can add form fields in there first then it would be possible.
@baileymvidler Awesoem thanks, yes super annoying Lol
@sigross I have acrobat not sure if it is pro, thanks so much Ill have a look-thanks for your time!
If you look into purchasing Affinity Publisher, which does almost as much as InDesign you cannot only open InDesign files (INDL) but also PDF files and thy come in fully editable. The software does not have a monthly fee either.
Affinity also offers a photoshop type app and illustrator type app.
@lmrush following up on what Bailey said, once you place the PDF page into InDesign, you can open an editing program by clicking on the image and choosing Edit Original/Edit With under the EDIT menu - I sometimes edit PDFs in Photoshop too, depending on what I need to do. You can open PDFs as images or pages in Photoshop and work on individual elements there.