JULY CONTEST: Design a book cover for the Wizard of Oz
@SethWolfshorndl Thank you so much, Seth~! Appreciate your kind words so much!
@carrieannebrown thank you! It's the highest praise to me when someone says my work looks like animation! I love the colors in your cover and how you managed to fit together so many story moments. The way the title winds through the piece is just lovely.
@esgoldman Thank you so much!
@ina Thank you, Ina~!! I'm in love with your cover as well~ The color, the hair I'm so glad you entered!!
@carriecopadraws thank you so much!
@Lucky-Platt Thank you, Lucky~!!
Hi, here is my take on this month prompt.
@alex-hochreiter Thank you, Alex! Your cover is gorgeous~! I admire all the people who work in traditional media because it's something that is so difficult for me. Beautiful illustration. Well done!
@TessaW Thank you, Tessa~!
@Quackamos I love this style so muuuuch~~ would definitely pick up this comic!!
@marek-halko Oh em gee your characters are my favvvorite~~!
@carrieannebrown Holy cow what a super fun cover~! And your text design is so flippin' cool!
@carriecopadraws Ummm, so when can I expect to see this animated series because it looks AWESOME.
@Kerisa Wow, this is so delicate and elegant! It's really cool to see a different style!
@Laurel-Goetz-Donkervoet Ummm okay, but who said you can be this cute?? Nope. Not allowed. I'm calling the police.
@Chip-Valecek So many great entries!!! good luck everyone and thank you for your help!
My submission for this month!
@aprilshin You are the sweetest ️! I'm super new at digital obviously! But thanks for the confidence boost! LOVE your entry and positivity!
@Kevin-Longueil - I love this image, as I mentioned on your WIP thread when you were asking for feedback, the shoes with the witches reflection in are amazing! Fantastic image.
Can I ask your advice Kevin, I know you did an accidental downpost before, I just tried to upvote some great images but was over enthusiastic and upvoted a couple twice (forgot that I’d already Upvoted them last night) and it turned into a down post! Eek! So I then tried to reverse them and think I changed them back to upvotes. Huge apologies if anyone noticed. I only ever post upvotes. Has that happened to anyone else? Is there a way to make sure who you’ve already upvoted?