@LisaF I got the same email. No link to the crit.
JULY CONTEST: Design a book cover for the Wizard of Oz
@LisaF I got the same email. No link to the crit.
Hey guys! I see that the critique arena is today but I didn't get an invite. Could someone please send me one?
@LauraLane Emailed!
@LisaF Thank you! ^-^
@alicia Just emailed!
@fpichel Sent your way!
We'll be getting started at 2pm MDT (check here for times outside the US). It's gonna be Lee and Jake judging this time. See ya in a bit!
is this a public critique stream for the entrys or just something for subcribers of one of the svs courses? -
@Molambo - Subscribers can join the Zoom meeting (which allows you to vote, comment, and ask questions). Members of SVS should have received an email with a link to the meeting.
Anyone else can watch on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/SVSLearn/.
@Miriam Hi
I haven't receive my zoom link (I'm a member). I'd like to join a session, please -
will it be uploaded later on on the youtube channel? -
@LenaMulberg Hi! Emailed you
@LisaF Thank you)
@Molambo The recording will be on our Facebook for a little while, you can watch it there
@Molambo Oh yes, what @Miriam said!
thx for the info -
@LisaF Who was Dave? Didn't say anything and then just disappeared.
@sigross - I think they said he's their producer.
producer [ pruh-doo-ser, -dyoo- ] noun
- a person who produces.
- Economics. a person who creates economic value, or produces goods and services.
- a person responsible for the financial and administrative aspects of a stage, film, television, or radio production; the person who exercises general supervision of a production and is responsible chiefly for raising money, hiring technicians and artists, etc., required to stage a play, make a motion picture, or the like. Compare director (def. 3).
- British Theater. (formerly) a director of theatrical productions; stage director.
- an apparatus for making producer gas.
- Ecology. an organism, as a plant, that is able to produce its own food from inorganic substances.
@Miriam Thanks for letting me know. I missed the start.
My Carbonara food delivery came at the same time as it all began. Was rushing round juggling food and logins. Always find it quite exciting to see who made it through. Epic event. Great winners this month.