SVS Courses and Time Frames
Hey guys,
Been a long time sense I have posted and lots of life in between that's kept me from getting back into my art but with that being said I have begun taking the SVS courses again and I am curious how long do you guys generally spend on each class? Aside from how long the actual instruction takes how long do you spend focusing on the course work? do you do the class all in one day or do you break it down and spend a few days on each subject?
I lean to wanting to do it all in one day and then moving on to the next class cause I want to see all of them but I'm not sure that's really how I should go about it and I want to get the most out of the classes but its hard not to want to jump forward.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on this and what approach you take when going through the different classes
Thank you
@ambiirae I generally take it longer like a month or more. I adjust as I go with health and technology issues mainly. But I understand about taking too long.
I think it depends on the class and the person. I need time to mull over information and let it process, so for the meatier courses, I would never do them in a day. More like 6-9 weeks. That's with having young kids at home, and still making time to do personal art work. Some of the classes wouldn't need as much time though, maybe a month or less. If I had more time, I'd probably take 2-3 classes at the same time and do them over several weeks. I remember last year a group of people here did the Creative Environment Course and spread it out over 7 weeks.
@ambiirae I really like to take my time on courses. I feel like it lets me absorb information better. I would say for the longer courses; it takes me anywhere from a month, to 2 and a half months! I take notes along the way and review information as needed
That being said, some of the courses are shorter than others. In that case, I find it can take me a week or two. Still, I really take time to absorb the material and take those notes. For me, spacing out the classes is the way to go!
@TessaW I loved group classes, we should think of doing something in the new year.
@TessaW I also recall when inking 2.0 dropped some one split it up over a few weeks and it was a lot of fun that way
Hi @ambiirae!
I also have a tough time because of my impatience, and I just want to do it all! There has to be some balance because, on the one hand, I don't learn very well if I'm not engaged, and on the other I know I need to knuckle down and really LEARN this stuff well, which means putting in the time and getting the practice.
The way I've gone about it is to do what you say, where I bust through the course materials and assignments in just a few days, usually 1-3 (depending on the course). That's typically enough to gain a basic understanding of the concepts.
Then I plan out some personal projects that will force me to USE those concepts. Sometimes they're just one step beyond the assignment in complexity, and sometimes I really give myself a headache trying to do something hard. But I really learn what they're trying to teach when I struggle a little bit; that's just how I learn best. And the combination of struggle and a personal project (which I'm already motivated to do) keeps me engaged on the material while I practice at the same time.
While I work on my personal projects, I also re-do the class exercises. Every day as a warm-up, I do either a whole exercise or a piece of it, and re-watch the lectures and demos as needed. That keeps the material fresh in mind, so I don't forget the point of the personal project and get lost in the weeds, and I get a little bit of pure-technical practice in. Plus, on the days I don't have time to work on the big project, I can usually manage to fit in these mini exercise sessions; I don't often spend more than 5 minutes on them.
So even though I complete the course in just a couple days, it takes like an average of a month to really finish it to my satisfaction.
Not all of the courses work quite the same way, but going at it with this mindset has really helped me. The one downside is that once the course looks "complete" on the site, it becomes a little harder to go through the personal finish line. I've found that it's part self-discipline, and partly having a really exciting personal project to work on!
Hope that helps!
@MarksByMallory I think I run on the same line as you
I did the 2 perspective classes the went straight from making the book case to making this building. Its been a headache but I've learned a lot
@ambiirae That looks awesome!! Good job! Did you do that from your imagination or reference? Love the clean line work. It's got a nice, solid feel.
I'm pretty impatient. I didn't wait around much after the cubes in 2-point perspective, just sallied forth with a castle, combining two references and changing the POV to fit a bird's eye of a mountainous background. (I could actually feel my brain expanding on that one. Especially since it didn't occur to me to do it in stages, I just did it all in one go.)
Definitely learn a lot more when I have a practical artistic problem to solve, no matter the struggle.
@MarksByMallory it originally started as a reference as i got more comfortable with what i was doing I was able to start changing things and making it my own. It's still a WIP but I definitely know what you mean by feeling your brain expand