Sending illustrator submissions to publishers via email - PDF or JPEGs?
Hi guys
Since there are many experienced illustrators here, thought I should just check a little detail. I'm about to start sending submissions to publishers, and a lot of them do have a contact listed on the website to send a submission to. My question is - should I send a single PDF with 10-12 images of my work, or less images as separates JPEGs?
@TamaraDomuzin I'd send jpegs, easy to view. Also PDF's are prone to trojans and viruses. I personally wouldn't open a pdf from a stranger.
@TamaraDomuzin I suggest you follow exactly what each respective Publisher is asking on their submission guidelines. Some will ask for JPEGs while some will ask for PDFs. If they did not mention this, I suggest submitting in PDF so that it will be just 1 easy download instead of multiple with JPEGs. Always make the process easy for the publishers otherwise, they'll be turned off.
I send portfolio website link, and plus one jpg image in the attachment. I typically google a bit to see if I can find out anything about the person I am sending email to, and try to find a image that may speak to him/her the most from my portfolio.
@TamaraDomuzin Neither - these days when publishers talk about your portfolio they mean your website! A simple link is the best, though if they have guidelines for submissions on their website do go through those to make sure that's their preferred way!
Thank you all for the input so far!
Of course, there are some publishers that state on the website to send either PDF or JPEGs specifically, but I just wanted to check the best solution when there's nothing mentioned.
Maybe it depends where you are sending, for publishers in UK and Ireland I send out jpegs maybe 8 to 10 and a link to portfolio site, the jpegs are always low res low file size and quick to load.
Some publishers will specifically say on their site what they prefer, but you don't need to always totally stick to that. I sent sample jpegs to someone in random house and it specifically stated, in the directory where I got her contact, that they only accepted work through agents. But she actually got back to me with some lovely comments and expressed an interest in working with me.
Best of luck with the submissions