My Inktober 2020
day 21-sleep.
@Doodleworx this is sweet!
@Nyrryl-Cadiz thank you very much, you’re very kind!
day 22- chef
day 23-rip
day 25-buddy.
day 24-dig
day 26-hide.
day 28-float.
day 29-shoes.
day 30-ominous.
day 31-crawl. 31 ink illustration in 31 days complete! This is my fourth year doing this and I really had a lot of fun after not being sure that I wanted to do this anymore after last year. Getting ten days ahead of the deadline and switching to a paintbrush and ink pot was a game changer. I fell back in love with a paintbrush after switching to digital years ago. I think you really have to do this for yourself and forget what happens after posting on social media. Do this for yourself as an artist, it really helps you to grow.