@notfitkid beautiful work -I'll include these kids in my prayers tonight. I have lost all my grandparents, last was 2 years past.
This is very impactful now also with people not being able to visit loved ones in the hospital, with Christmas time coming soon also.
@notfitkid Didn't expect this take on this month's prompt. Beautiful work, full of emotions.
@Heather-Boyd I am so sorry to hear that you lost both sets of your grandparents in such a short span of time. It sounds like you were close to them as well. The relationship that a child has with a grandparent can be such a blessing and can often be more impactful than that of a parent. I also agree with the fact that covid-19 has made it even more difficult for many who are hospitalized. Many families are not even allowed to visit their loved ones. It is hard not to feel a sense of heartbreak knowing that many are hurting and alone especially during the holidays. Thank you for the encouraging words
@ArtofJoseGalue Definitely many reasons to celebrate but also such a difficult season for many who are hurting. Thank you, Jose, for your kind words as well.
@notfitkid oh no sorry I just meant my last grandparent died just two years back. One I lost when I was a teenager and two others when I was super young and don't remember them at all. I have had a lot of people I have known pass away though.
Well now I feel a little shallow. All I did was cute fuzzy animals with fancy clothes. I love that everyone is really exploring the depths of human experience.
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I'm here to make you feel better chrisaakins, haha. -
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@Heather-Boyd I see.. I am so sorry for misunderstanding what you meant to say. You must have gone through so much having experienced so much loss. It has a way of changing your perspective on life, relationships...on everything. Thank you for sharing a bit about your life experiences with me.
@Jeremiahbrown oh. Well...there you go.
@chrisaakins Not at all. Your image conveys a depth of its own. You illustrated it beautifully and it really conveys a sense of fellowship and camaraderie which is much needed given all of the chaos that is going on.
Hope that didn't come across as irreverent! That just happened to be the time that I was posting the pic and didn't mean any disrespect to anyone.
@notfitkid aww thanks for that. We do need some warm fuzzies these days. I love your pic even if it makes me sad.
@Jeremiahbrown Aww didnt get that sense at all! Thank you for even clarifying your intentions. I feel badly for bringing anyone down with the tone of my post. I was even debating whether or not to post at until the end ...
@chrisaakins For sure! Warm fuzzies are always welcome in my book!
@chrisaakins Yours has a lot if emotion and is done very well. I really like it!
@Sara-Nilsson love your piece very soft and sweet
More fuzzy animals with clothes!