@dafoota Yes! You can delete and resubmit as much as you like before the deadline
Hope y'all had a wonderful Thanksgiving break! (That is, if you celebrate this US holiday
If not, Happy Monday!) Just a reminder that November contest entries are due today by end of day!
@LisaF Thank You
@Rachel-Horne I love yours!
@LauraA Really cute!!
@LauraA Wow! To say this piece is good or I love it is a serious understatement! So, so, so good!
Happy (late) November, everyone! Bear-ly made it. -
@deborah-Haagenson Thanks!
@JennyJones Thank you!
@Johanna-Kim thank you!
My first real slowember, I worked long on these characters... -
Hello guys,
I really wanted to submit my version of this month's contest. This is the fruit of 90% traditional work plus the the last pixels that I didn't get to paint anymore and some small color adjustments. Hope you enjoy it..
"Escape Together" -
I combined Slovember, Will Terry's draw 50 things (included this after hearing Will Terry say during the 3 Point Perspective podcast that Slovember was a good time to do it) , and the Inktober prompt "storm" for the Together prompt this month. I am not done yet, but time has run out to turn this in. There are a lot of great illustrations, can't wait to see the slideshow!
@LauraA I think this is hilarious; it is so relatable, not only as being a parent now, but also remembering road trips I had with my siblings growing up. Nice illustration.
This post is deleted! -
Post, delete, post, delete, post, delete l must look like a lunatic! here’s the one I went with, hope y’all enjoy it
Last Minute entry for this lovely challenge! So wholesome to see everyone’s entry’s