Calling for the November ALL STARS!!!
@Norman-Morana this is sooooooooo wonderful!!
@jdubz Wow, lots of characters! Good job creating unique identities for them all!
@xin-li Very sweet!
@EliaMurrayArt I can feel the warmth of that fire
@Gaelle-Grizzly Clever!
@RioSim1 aw thank you!!
@Norman-Morana - this is amazing!
@RioSim1 thx appreciate it!
@EliaMurrayArt so amazing!!
Hi all! Today is our last live stream of the year, hope you can make it! We'll be voting on the winner of 2020
The smackdown starts at 2 pm MST (you can find a countdown here).
Pro tip: If it doesn't start right at 2 on the dot, hang in there for a few, in case we are having technical difficulties
See ya in a bit!
Help! it says my link is expired. Is was in an email.
@LauraA Did you get 2 emails by any chance? Try the other one?
Looks like just the one. And it wants a meeting ID
@LauraA Sent you an email
I just got in through the class link on the site. Whew! Thanks!
@LisaF Iām unable to join through the email link or class event. Could you please send me a new link?
@Neha-Rawat Sent you an email!
@LisaF Thanks Lisa! I think there was a problem with my iPad because your link worked through my laptop but not the iPad
@Neha-Rawat Ok great! For some reason it seems like Zoom doesn't do too well on iPads
@Lucky-Platt thank you!