@Keeshan-Defay another great take on the yeti. I love that I continue to see different shapes and proportions and takes on this classic character.
@Cayleen Oh he's so sweet, love him!
@shereen-said, your yeti is so fun and crazy, love him too!
@DaveLeekArt Wow! I like this character design allot!
@Rekha-Salin-0 Thank you so much that is so helpful! Do you know how they choose the top 16?
@neosmash this has got a great vibe to it. I like the prankster idea. Keep running with this, I’m curious to see what comes out in the end.
@Cayleen ok now this is cute. I always think I’ve got a good direction with my designs until I see everyone else and realize I zigged when I should have zagged. Great character and good twist on the kind and gentle yeti.
@Keeshan-Defay another great take on the yeti. I love that I continue to see different shapes and proportions and takes on this classic character.
@DaveLeekArt Thanks! I had some other ideas, but I loved this gentle giant that kept popping into my sketches. I love your Yeti! Great expressions and easy to 'read' --- something I'm still working on!
@Kat Thank you!
I honestly should not be so strongly invested in this, but it is literally my first time submitting my art work in for a competition, let alone SVS Learn's critique but I really hope that I learn something from this whole experience. I am glad to have gotten as many votes as I did. In hind sight I should have done a WIP thread before I entered mine :D. I put my heart into this project :D. Can't wait to learn to make my illustrations more effective.
@Kat Oh thank you!
@Cayleen thanks!
Do these need to be colored and nice looking? Or can we do sketches and finished ones? Just wondering, I have seen both done in character studies.
@Jules I think they are only looking for final renders in this thread. You can start your own discussion to show your progress sketches.
@DaveLeekArt thank you!
@Naters-Calderone this Yeti belongs to Discworld 2 (PlayStation 1) video-game. Love your design. Also angry expression was a good choice!
@Georgios-Christopoulos How have I never heard of this! I need a PS1 asap!
@DaveLeekArt Love his little tushie!