@Melissa-Bailey-0 thank you I agree my family didn’t like it but I’m glad i Went through with it!
@Melissa-Bailey-0 i hope they include yours it’s very unique and I like the approach!
@Melissa-Bailey-0 thank you
@Melissa-Bailey-0 Thank you! It's definitely aimed at an audience other than that of children's illustration, but I think that helps it stand out, too.
I love how you created the fur on yours! I took a look through your portfolio and your work is all very realistically rendered. If you don't mind me asking, was this piece done digitally or traditionally? And I take it you drew/painted the dark/shadow-colored fur first, followed by the midtones and highlights?
@powsupermum aww, thanks so much!
@Jonathan-Malski thanks! Yep, even when I try to go another route, this seems to be my style, so I’m embracing it.
To answer your questions (don’t mind you asking at all!): this piece was done both digitally and traditionally. The sketch was done in Procreate then printed out on watercolor paper and finished with watercolor and colored pencil. And yes, I focused on clumps of fur first instead of individual hairs, defining the darks and shadows first. Highlights were very last thing to go in.
@Melissa-Bailey-0 Interesting! That's quite a number of steps/mediums; thank you for the insight on your process!
@Melissa-Bailey-0 Thank you! I spent a little extra time on the design so it could be immediately plugged into my portfolio because I don't have any character design
@Jonathan-Malski you’re welcome!
@j-sienkowski great idea! It’s something my portfolio needs as well.
@DaveLeekArt Thanks a lot! Your comment makes me feel that I'm on the right way on the looong path of "becoming a good illustrator".
@j-sienkowski he's got so much going for him, love that he's a tree love-hugging yeti! Love the rendering style also.
@Lorna-H love the stilts! hiding stilts...
@Heather-Boyd I wanted him to be kind, but mischievous. I was hoping the tree hugging would help balance out his chicken stealing.
Welllll I did a couple of images that I was gonna share even though I missed the cutoff date but feeling like an amateur because I could not upload them haha if anyone has any tips for the next round that would be great
First time doing this..
So many super rad illustrations up on here - love it! -
@DaveLeekArt Thanks!
@mrsdion Thank you!
@mrsdion I had a few people/characters in mind when I did my yeti
@Melissa-Bailey-0 Thank you!