@skillydan they will send out an email if you’re an active svs member, a couple days before, if you’re not I believe they will post it to Facebook or Instagram. It’s usually a Thursday In the beginning of the month. My guess is next Thursday.
@Laurel-Aylesworth - these images are just beautiful! This little chap has a lovely air of Sendak’s Max from “Where the Wild Things Are” - just lovely!
@JDRpictures - what a fantastic character! Beautifully rendered too, you have awesome skills! Well done!
@carlianne - love this little guy! He’s so appealing and beautifully sketched. Amazing!
@RioSim1 - I read your post on your separate thread about feeling out of your comfort zone doing these illustrations as you’re usual style is more realistic, so I just wanted to say well done for submitting these especially as it’s your first submission! Double credit also for using traditional media as so unforgiving of mistakes with no delete option! I’m always super intimidated posting each month as so many of the submissions are epic with super talented creators, but it’s a lovely supportive group and helps you to learn helps. Roy is awesome and a butterfly yeti is totally unique!
@Naters-Calderone - @Naters-Calderone - this wee guy is one of my absolute favourites! I loved seeing you develop him in your WIP thread. Your character designs are awesome. You were right, reducing the size of his horns made him much more yeti-ish! He’s a triumph! I’m in awe of your skills
@jdubz - absolutely love this character. He has a wonderful Dr Seuss feeling and the pairing of a yeti with the office world is epic! Amazing skills as always from you!
@Neha-Rawat -awesome character design and beautifully rendered!
@Asyas_illos great. Thank you!
@Lorna-H I really appreciate your comment!
@Lorna-H Thanks I appreciate the kind words!
@Lorna-H Thank you!
@Lorna-H thank you so much!
@miranda-hoover it should be more consistent for such a simple character, i quess, but it was fun to try
@LisaF Did you send the invites for tomorrow's Critique Arena? I didn't get any. UPDATE got mine now.
@skillydan Hi! It's tomorrow Jan 14 at 2 pm MST
We are in the process of sending out the emails this afternoon. Right now the best place to find the event info is in the News section of the website, but in general Critique Arena is scheduled for the 2nd Thursday of each month.
@MichaelaH Ok great! We are sending in batches in the next few hours
Not assuming I’m going to be in the top 16, but what if I’m not in the class and I’m in the top 16? Is there some how I can know? Just wanting to know how far I get. If not ,that’s fine.
@Joe-Hanson-Tannous you can watch from facebook just can’t participate if you’re not a member
We'll be getting started soon! Click here for a countdown
See you soon!