@Naters-Art I like it. I think this is a good example of a case where less is more. Good luck!
@Naters-Art It simple but I liked it, for me it's kinda engaging, as if it made me feel that I want to explore more this environment. Nice work!
@Naters-Art love the skeleton!
Trying new techniques with this one! Hope you'll enjoy it
Here's the dreamed house of Billy the Bearboy. Not quite built yet, but he's slowly constructing his paradise (I just helped him put an image on his most unrevealed desires).
@Gaelle-Grizzly so gooood!!! Cheering this piece on haha
@Gaelle-Grizzly This is stunning! Amazing work!
@Gaelle-Grizzly I do! I do enjoy this very much! What a wonderful image from the design, to the colours to the overall feel of the piece. Very well done!
@Gaelle-Grizzly This is great. I love the details in the blueprint. Really well thought out and executed!
@Gaelle-Grizzly Wow! This is awesome
@Naters-Art thus is perfect. Grand example of less is more!
@Gaelle-Grizzly this is so good! Love the concept, details and execution. Easily one of the most creative designs! Respect!
@juliemillardart love this! So atmospheric!! Good luck!
@Gaelle-Grizzly sooooo smart to have a story within the design.. for example are those little blood stains at the bottom of the photograph? did he hammer his thumb? it's amazing. the contrast between reality and the dream. also it shows how intelligent Yeti is.
@Gaelle-Grizzly incredible!
@Gaelle-Grizzly Beautiful work!
@Gaelle-Grizzly This is too cool! Love it
@Georgios-Christopoulos thank you! It was fun to put together
@Naters-Art I so love the bones. What a creative idea. Well done.
A few perspective issues and some questionable texture, but I'm happy with it. I had a surprising amount of fun coming up with all the little details.
In any case, I'm glad to be participating in the monthly contest again after having missed the last two. Looks like some steep competition this month.
Here’s my entry. Mr. Foot enjoys whimsical things such as flying his kite in the crisp winter breeze and building snowmen to talk to while he basks in the warm winter sun.