AMFIBUARY drawing challenge
@jdubz yes definitely.
5- Fringed Leaf Frog
6. Hellbender
Here's the Banded Horned Tree Frog. I was getting a "Kain from Final Fantasy 2 on the SNES" vibe for this guy so I went that direction a bit!
6- Hellbender
Hellbender (although it looks nothing like one)
7. Desert Rain Frog
7- Desert Rain Frog
8. Red-Eyed Tree Frog
8- Red Eyed Tree Frog
Hope ya'll ready to dance!
9. Surinam Horned Frog
@PieterVanDerBeek Perfect! Haha
9- Surinam Horned Frog
These are all so good. I'm having trouble finding time to do any this week but really enjoying seeing them all
@lizardillo Seriously, everyone's take on the prompts are so cool! Each one is unique
Can't wait to see more from you (when you can of course!)
10- Olm
Desert rain frog. Have you googled the sound it makes??
I thought it had a Godfather look to it when it shouts.
@lizardillo He's gonna squeak you an offer you can't refuse... :-]