@Kevin-Longueil you can watch it again, it’s on Facebook now, they did show some examples, even Jack Parker illustrated one.
What if my yeti wasn’t the flare-y type?
I‘m so sorry I have to be a real nerd and clarify the ‘flare’ part of the prompt - is that a typo and you mean flair or do you actually mean like a fiery flare? Or am I over thinking it
@donnamakesart I think it’s yours to interpret how you will.
@KristyM Nice catch! I think Will probably meant "flair," but depending on the circumstances, I guess "flare" could work too
Hello all! I really enjoyed watching my first critique arena this week because I don't have access to critiques. I had already made this before watching and I'm still happy with it in the context of a spot illustration (though I may have gone overboard in the composition!)
I also used this as an excuse to illustrate my favorite food: Caesar salad. I'm not sure what Yetis eat, but mine loves bacon. -
Here is my yeti. He likes to cook just for himself.
Throwing my yeti into the ring!
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@LisaF excellent
thank you!
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@alicepelot Did you paint this traditionally or digitally? It looks amazing!
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@LisaF thank you! I just finished posting my entry and saying “I’m not sure if I did this spot illustration thing correctly” haha.
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After too many late night attempts of continuously submitting the wrong file I finally got there.. Yeti spaghetti from the Yeti Bros.