AMFIBUARY drawing challenge
@lizardillo Seriously, everyone's take on the prompts are so cool! Each one is unique
Can't wait to see more from you (when you can of course!)
10- Olm
Desert rain frog. Have you googled the sound it makes??
I thought it had a Godfather look to it when it shouts.
@lizardillo He's gonna squeak you an offer you can't refuse... :-]
10. Olm
11. Harlequin Toad
11- Harlequin Toad (Starry Night)
Love the pattern! :-]
12. Fire Belly Newt
@PieterVanDerBeek Thank you so much!
@jdubz Wonderful bunch! :-]
@PieterVanDerBeek Heh this is great
12- Fire Belly Newt
@jdubz That Olm is a beautiful character. They all are but that Olm stopped me in my tracks.
13. Eastern spadefoot toad
@jakecrowe said in AMFIBUARY drawing challenge:
@jdubz That Olm is a beautiful character. They all are but that Olm stopped me in my tracks.
Thanks! That one was a fun one
13- Eastern Spadefoot Toad