So many great yeti's! This is my first time posting and I'm trying to figure out the best way to attach my image. Should I use "picture", "upload image", or "upload file". Thank you!
@Joe-Atalla upload picture is what I usually do.
@chrisaakins Thanks so much!
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@Melissa-Bailey-0 thanx
@Melissa-Bailey-0 Thank you! I LOVE your Yeti illustration. Fun expressions and storytelling.
@Kim-Rosenlof awww, thanks so much!
@hayleyannececil this is so so so good!!love it!
@Melissa-Bailey-0 The fur texture is so great! I wish I could actually touch it.
@AnneWertheim Both good but I love the first one especially!
@Sara-Nilsson Cute story.
@joosterwijk You win.
@alicepelot thanks!
That would be so much fun, wouldn’t it? And soooo cozy!