Textures and how I used them in my Leontine's Winter Challenge
This is a terrific style Rich, it reminds of cut patterns in quilting. My wife used to work this way for her applique textiles, of course there are no shadows in that, but all those textures are so much fun. Thank you for the gif and this thread!
Thanks for sharing your method @Rich-Green, that's really interesting and very good of you to go to so much trouble to explain it to us
More mixed media ideas, I love it!
@Bobby-Aquitania Thanks Bobby! Yes I can definitely see the similarities this could have to quilting. My mom has done some applique quilting in the past and I often times would go with her to the store to help her pick out the colors/patterns of the fabrics for the project she was working on. I personally love batiks - so colorful and artful at the same time. I like that you get that sort of feeling from this style!
@Rich-Green Scanned Denim is one of my favorite textures to work with. Lovely piece!
So very awesome! I like the effect of the glitter image, especially on the snow!
Really cool. I love how the lights really light up! Something different to inspire us to try new things
Wow! Thanks for sharing! Great mini-tutorial!
@Charlie-Eve-Ryan - Yes denim has been one of my main go to textures on a bunch of the things I am working on recently. It can look like denim but it can also add a linen feel to things too. Plus a denim with some tone/color variation really adds depth/interest to the shape you use it on too!
@Lynn-Larson - Yes the glitter is another one that can be used in so many ways. And if you find some in and out of focus the effects are so different and wonderful!
@Marsha-Kay-Ottum-Owen - Thank you so much! Yes sometimes just trying something new - even if you are not sure how you will use it in your own work immediately, its amazing how you can call upon a trick or technique to use in the future when you might least expect it!
@Joy-Heyer - You are very welcome and thank you for the kind compliment!
@Nancy-Gormezano - Thank you so much and glad you find the info might be helpful to you. That is great!
@Rob-Smith - it was my pleasure! I learn so much even just be observing the discussions or pieces everyone makes. So when asked about the textures I thought this was a good opportunity to help give back to the community in my own way!
@Jonathon-B thank you very much!
@Dulcie - Glad you enjoyed it, and can't wait to see how it might inspire you!
Great post and I am sad to say I have not pushed that traditional art feel. The children's book I am working on for an author loved my artwork but it isn't pushing me in that direction so I feel the pressure to continue pursuing the traditional feel only in practice. Thanks for sharing.
Nice textures and love the style of this piece rich.
@Lee-Holland - thank you so much!
@johntatulliart - glad you enjoyed the post and hopefully it helps inspire some of your personal practice work! Never know where that might lead to in the future on other assignments you take on!