APRIL CONTEST: Design A Fairy-Tale Inn
@Tiffany-Thomas love it
Alright hereโs a second went with my painterly style with this one, this is how I painted for years, just figured out how to do it digitally
@Christine-Rotolo Thank you!!!! I love yours too!
@Tiffany-Thomas thanks ๐ฅฐ
@Tiffany-Thomas Like your style
@Heather-Boyd thank you so much!
Hey @LisaF or @Chip-Valecek i just updated my entry here in the forum but I also had an entry through the new critique arena website. Is there a way to remove or update there or request use from this entry? Thanks in advance
@SheerArt Love the overall theme/idea of this piece! Awesome work
@Jacy13 thank you! It was really fun.
Thanks for all of the great submissions so far this month! For those that have not submitted theirs yet (here on the forum or through the new website) make sure you use the template linked at the top to formate your art before you submit it. You can totally change the color of the background or the font that your name is in at the bottom, but it is really important for the website that you use the template so it is the right size and the text is below the artwork. If you already posted something without using the template I added it into the template for you this time. Please email me if you have any problems or questions about the template (we want to make this process as smooth as possible).
Everyone that has submitted so far can go check out the new website to see their submission in the current challenge gallery. I'll keep adding in new submission every week until the end of the month. -
This post is deleted! -
I guess I didnโt do something right the template said nope not today asyaEdit: I think I got it
FYI this was not an easy feat for those not computer savvy. Entered through the contest website.
@AustinShurtliff and @LisaF my question still stands can we make revisions once an entry has been submitted on the website? I had made and adjustment on the forum but it was too late and itโs posted without the adjustments on the critique arena website. Any way to fix this ? Not a big deal if we canโt thanks!
@AustinShurtliff Hi Austin, I uploaded my image directly to the website (with use of the template:) but it is not showing, do I have to be patient or did something go wrong?
And maybe it is good to mention that space you have in the template is 1200px wide and 1100px high (before people make very lineair designs and have to fit thim in afterwards). Thanks! -
@Asyas_illos I think that beanstalk was a great addition. It looks awesome. Great name too.
Hi, here is my submision for this months prompt.
@joosterwijk I tried it too, and it says it wont be uploaded until next friday, which is strange??
@SheerArt thank you! I started having second thoughts halfway through because I couldnโt find a green that I liked
Stumpy's Tavern!
So here's my entry. Heavily inspired by Zangarmarsh from World of Warcraft.