....monthly prompt...
Hahaha yesss! I thought I was nuts!
Any word on when which thurs critique is? This week or next? I know it’s generally the second but I was thinking since the month ended the day after last Thursday it be this week... wishful thinking...
@Asyas_illos my guess is next Thursday ...they did do last month’s on the 8th which was early in the month but was still the second week ... I’m thinking we would have heard by now if it was going to be this week..?..but you never know...so many great entries!
@Kevin-Longueil I've been on here less than a week, and I'm already obsessed with checking when this months prompt is coming!!!
Yes!!!! lol
Yes! Haha! Glad to know it's not just me
Eagerly awaiting the next prompt!
are we there yet?
Alright who's slacking this month? Its like way late for prompts right? They are probably giving us a time crunch like the topic from the last podcast hee hee, seeing if we can work under pressure
Last month, we found out on the day of Critique Arena. I remember because it was discovered while they were showing off the new Critique Arena site.
So, sorry. We might be waiting until Thursday.
@Kevintreaccar waahhh!
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