No critique arena in May?
@Patrickedward Maybe @LisaF or @Chip-Valecek might know if we are skipping this month's prompt? guess is that the SVS crew are super busy right now.
@Kevin-Longueil I don't have an answer for this. Since they launched the Critique Arena website, I have no more connection with the contest or the slideshows. I guess they are running it all through there.
Hi all! Critique Arena is this Thursday, May 13 at 2pm MST
Post coming soon! New prompt also coming soon!
New challenge is up:
@Kevintreaccar Thanks for the update!
@LisaF hi Lisa, I’m in the boat of people who didn’t receive a link to the critique arena today. Is it possible to grab that off you please?
@DaveLeekArt yep! Emailed to you
@LisaF thanks! You rock:)
It's not posted here yet, but on the critique arena website it has the new prompt for may. A full illustration of your traveler in a situation... check it out for the details, I imagine they will post it here soon.
Yep, it's posted on the website
Our Fairy Tale Traveler is in a situation!For this month’s prompt, your mission is to draw our Fairy Tale Traveler in an environment, in a situation. The enemy is coming down the road and now our traveler must decide whether to face the adversary, flee or hide. How will our traveler get out of this situation??
In March, we designed a Fairy Tale Traveler. In April, we designed an inn for our weary traveler to sleep for the night. And this month, we are creating a full page illustration featuring our traveler.
For this challenge, the image must be a full page illustration, and the dimensions must be 9.5 inches high x 10.5 inches wide.
Just to clarify: don't worry if you haven't submitted in the previous Fairy Tale Traveler contests, you can still do this prompt! Just treat it as if it's a stand alone prompt