Do I Need To Go Digital?
Art by Melissa Bailey
How do you pay taxes as a freelancer? Should you switch from a lucrative career to your dream art job? What do you do when you feel your art just sucks? And what do Editors require: traditional art, or digital files? This week, Jake Parker, Lee White, and Will Terry do a deep dive on these questions as well as give an update on Lee’s NFT scheme.
@Melissa-Bailey-0 This is a really wonderful illustration for the podcast! I love the confused/ stressed look on his face haha.
@Melissa-Bailey I haven't listened to the podcast yet but the cover illustration is great!
"We are allowed to fester in our own filth."
@carolinebautista I was just logging on to say that this line is the best I have heard in all of the podcasts and I have listened to them all. It accurately describes my mood way too often.
@K-Flagg thanks so much! I definitely channeled a bit of my own inner confusion from when I started out illustrating — I’m more of a traditional illustrator and balked at going digital. Most of my stuff now is a blend of both, but a year ago I did something I thought I’d never do: illustrate a book completely digital!
@demotlj aww, thanks so much! I just listened to it today and it’s great (as always).
@Melissa-Bailey-0 Such a cool cover illustration. I love it, the facial expression is priceless.
Are you right-handed? I found the choice of having the bunny holding the stylus on the left hand was a genius one.
I am right-handed, but I have been trying to use my left hand to draw and write recently, because my 4 year old girl is left-handed, she is learning to write at this moment. I thought I'd try what is like to write with left-hand. haha... it was hard, drawing is even harder. -
The times I was able to dedicate more to my creative projects (or this year, to learning drawing and illustration), was when I saw myself at that sweet spot of having a job that completely pay my bills and in which I work half the day, and have the other half of the day for my stuff. Granted, my job is still in the creative industry and I'm also passioned with it, but having your finances stable definitely frees you to dedicate to your other passions, the ones where you can't make a living yet, without the money stress.
@xin-li thanks so much!
Yes, I am right handed. But I have tried writing and drawing with my left hand and definitely empathize with your struggle!
Love this piece @Melissa-Bailey-0!
As for me, I have no intention to quit my career in engineering and construction because I love it and it pays the bills. It’s nice not having to choose either-or.
But I have this creative itch in writing and illustrating children’s books, which I’m actively pursuing in the evenings and weekends (when my family lets me,
). SVS has helped me create a map, and I’m enjoying learning.
Putting in the drawing miles is something that I’m focused on, because I started very late (I mean like 2019 late!!!). Seriously! Sometimes I feel like I’ll never catch up, but then who cares? I’m only competing against myself…
Nevertheless, I’m enjoying taking my time and exploring creativity without the pressures of making money with my art. The forum here is full of amazing folks always willing to help and offer advice, for which I’m extremely grateful.
Great podcast gents!
@Jeremy-Ross thanks a bunch!
Sounds like you have a great situation with work/life/art balance. And just sayin' ... it's NEVER too late to start your art journey!
@Jeremy-Ross Hi Jeremy, I have yet to listen to the podcast in its entirety (always the latecomer) but the engineer story struck an immediate chord with me — because that's my story too. And the same doubts and fears of jumping ship without a net because, well, I'm not a twentysomething anymore — but I've coming to the point where I'm judging hard where my real happiness lies and where doesn't. And while money is definitely important, fulfilling the wants and desires of the soul is what will give you more happiness as a person in the long run, provided you know what you are doing. I've been on a 6-month dry spell of making art because of a house remodeling project and those things suck all your remaining time and energy... but i'm back on the saddle again, trying to enjoy the ride, further learn along the way and not think too much about money at this stage. Cheers!
Hi @Alzamon, thanks for your feedback!
I think it’s important to pursue your passion and find what makes you happy, especially if you can make a comfortable living that suites your lifestyle.
Good luck on your journey!
Ps. I like your website and comics.
Lee, I thought you should know that the QuickenLinks link y'all mentioned – – didn't work. Did I hear the link wrong?