Anyone knows an informative and quick guide to Twitter howto for illustrators?
Hi @xin-li Twitter is a wonderfully strange place haha. By thanking someone for retweeting or liking your work, typically I do the same in return, or if I like their timeline, I would follow them with also the hopes of them following me back. It is a great space for artists and writers in my opinion.
I love Twitter, I think it's my favourite platform. I've met a lot of my art heroes there, and gotten the word out about my art.
I think posting your process helps, and always be kind.
Comment on stuff you like, dont follow too many ppl or else youl never see the stuff you really want to. -
@LauraA we are in the same boat. hehe.
@artbytra @kylebeaudette thank you so much for the tips.I will try a bit more with Twitter this summer :-). But really try to be strict with myself on how much time I'd spent on it. I did not install the app on my phone. I deleted IG app from my phone a couple of days ago, but I re-installed it, because I could not figure out how to post multiple images in a post from my desktop. hehe...
You can now schedule tweets which is useful if you don't want to spend lots of time on there - get a bunch ready all at once and then you don't need to keep going back.
As for thanking people who retweet you - I only know a couple of accounts that do this by actually tweeting out or reply tweeting a thank you and it's lovely but really annoying! My timeline is filled with their thank you tweets rather than interesting content and I quickly muted these people or unfollowed. I think a better way to thank someone is to look at their tweets and like, retweet or comment on one of those (a lot of people will be posting their own art).
@xin-li I didn't even know you could post on IG from your desktop!
@LauraA I am on Mac system. I turn on the Develop menu on Safari, and switch the User agent to IOS. So my desktop browser displays the mobile user interface, which includes the "+" button. hehe...
@xin-li Whoa! That is one cool hack!
@xin-li Nice! I tried to find workarounds for Windows, but wasn't successful. Otherwise I would delete IG from my phone as well! If anyone knows of one that works for windows please let me know!
@emily-atwood-art I have used the Vivaldi browser from a Windows computer to upload to Instagram. I found a tutorial on how to do it a while back. Here is a link to a tutorial, not the one I used, but maybe it can help you out.
@Kim-Rosenlof thanks, i'll try that out!!