Anyone up for another picture book break down?? Vote for your favorite!
Hi! Just fyi, survey says it's gonna be Extra Yarn illustrated by Jon Klassen! Such a gorgeous book
@davidhohn will be leading us through the analysis this Thursday, June 24 at 2PM MST. We'll be emailing links in the next couple days!
@LisaF Solid choice everybody! See you on Thursday!
Hey y'all! This is today! @davidhohn will be leading us through an analysis of Extra Yarn illustrated by Jon Klassen at 2pm MST (check here for other time zones). Yay! Event links have been emailed, if you didn't get one, let me know!
@LisaF Hi, I don't appear to have received the link.
@Janette Emailed to you!
@LisaF Cheers!
Hi @davidhohn, I just watched the Extra Yarn book breakdown and absolutely LOOOVED IT!
Here a few “extra” observations I had during the breakdown. Like what I did there
Annabelle’s chair design (legs) look very similar to the Archduke’s chair, except her chair has lower bracing, whereas the Archduke’s chair does not. Could it be a symbol of stability vs. instability?
Mr Crabtree wearing shorts in the snow reminds me of Wim Hof. Mr. Crabtree is the only character in the book with a closeup! I believe he’s in front of a church? But more importantly, Mr. Crabtree is in front of the thickest tree in the entire story. Perhaps the most solid tree represents the most solid gift in the story, being selfless.
The Archduke never opens his eyes. Could be a symbol for not “seeing” the true meaning of life. He is always shown alone, whereas everyone else (except Mr Crabtree) has company or pets.
The Archduke curses Annabelle with his family’s curse (I.e. lack of happiness) and throws out the box. With all the money in the world, he is cursed with the inability of being happy, even though he has a favorite chair and song. He’s already happy but doesn’t know it because he’s searching for it externally.
At the end, it turns out she was happy. But did you notice she’s not smiling? Which could be a sign not to assume lack of smile is cause for sadness.
Of course, the circle, square, triangle tension is on every page with sadness and tension; however, not on the happy colorful pages.
Finally, could it be that the Archduke is Annabelle’s father? They have the same haircut and interests, but are antagonists. I understand she knitted for her parents, and they are in the story, but…. Just saying.
Why do all amazing books have a boat and ocean to cross?
Thanks again for this amazing book breakdown! Can’t wait for the next one!
@Jeremy-Ross Wow -- great observations! You made me pull the book out again to check these out.
@Jeremy-Ross Wow, Jeremy. Were you an English major? These are SOLID interpretations.
Hi @Laurel-Aylesworth-0, no - but I love to read and dissect picturebooks. I work in construction and slowly making my way into the world of picturebooks.