SEPTEMBER CONTEST: Design a character for Inktober!
Can you have a 1 color highlight, but mostly black and white? This is a fantastic prompt. Thanks guys. My favorite time of year...first time hope I don't have a lot of work so I can fully participate!
@LisaF Are gray's included with black and white? Sorry if that's a silly question.
@Frogpunzel in the past as long as it looked like something you could do with ink it was fine.
@Frogpunzel Yes, "black & white" generally means the same thing as "grayscale". So stark white to absolute black & anything in between, but no hues.
Hi! I have a couple of questions:
Judging from the new template, does it favor a square format? I see that some entries for last month are rectangular, but I missed the last judging so I don't know if this has been discussed or not.
Also, for background info, do we write it on the sheet? Like a sentence or two, phrases? I'm asking because this seems like a departure from previous character design Critique Arenas. Obviously we don't write an entire book, but we do give some written idea of who the character is, right?
Argh, I am such a pencil person! I'm guessing black pencil isn't the idea?
Can you add one flat color with ink?
One of the three characters I’ll be using for Inktober. Yesterday, it sounded like their won’t be a Critique Arena for September, but I was far enough along with this that I decided to finish and enter this anyway just in case.
Good luck, everyone! And good luck to those jumping in on Inktober!
@KGatto oops sorry just saw no color. I'll make it gray.
Here ya go. I’m thinking this little mouse can be the uniting element of the alphabet primer I am planning on doing.
Here are my characters for Inktober! Not sure if I’ll be able to do all 30 days
but wanted to participate at least in this contest haha.
Here is my entry for this month. I wish all of the monthly prompts were inktober themed. I can literally ink all day. I usually do traditional inks but I discovered the Kyle's Inkbox Classic Cartoonist Brush in Photoshop and I loooooooove it!
This is my September SVSlearn character contest design for Clarice & Spot.
Hope you like it.
Kim Gatto
@designsbygatto -
Here’s my submission for the contest.
Hi all,
Here is my character for this round. I love Sophie Josephine, which I was inspired to create her from the cartoon I was used to watch inmy adolescences, the rose of Versailles. Fun fact: I recently found my style (I’ve got a pause from sketching and drawing from January to August, I was about to think I wasn’t capable enough to pursue this career). When I took the pencil again I’ve got this tricky new style under my fingers. it was like a revelation. I like to think that the pause was needed to absorbs what I’ve learned on the past years. -
@K-Flagg This is incredible! And the Classic Cartoonist brush is my go to for digital as well. It's pretty much perfect for how I work, and it looks like it's hitting the sweet spot for you as well!
@ajillustrates thank you so much. Yeah it's my go to now.
In the last critique arena they mentioned the format would be changing.. is that for this month as well? Just curious what it will look like
@LauraA I have know some comic artists to do their line work in pencil and then use a program like Photoshop to darken the value enough that it looks like it might have been inked. Just an idea if you still want to use pencil.
@Annaaronson I'm curious about this too, as I haven't been able to see the critique arena in live stream this summer, and no new recordings seem to be available after May 2021 for me. I feel way behind.