Share your Inktober projects!
Inktober Day 8 - "Watch"
Could have gone a lot of directions with this one, but instead, I went with a Watch watching itself to watch the time.
This could be a character design? I don't have plans for this character, but it was fun to do nonetheless~ I was really challenged by deciding what type of pants and shoes to give such a creature.
This design went by super quick! But you know what they say - time moves faster when you're not watching the clock
Ayo! I'll be here all week
Anyhoo! Happy Friday y'all! And happy Inktober!
First Inktober of the year, yay! Boy has it been a LOOONG time since I worked traditionally with pencil and ink. I'm making the commitment for myself to do at least 4 pieces this year. To get some Halloween art in I'm getting inspiration off of a themed list called #CursedRelics2021.
Happy Inktober and National Octopus Day everyone!
Who loves horses?
Day 8 prompt for me was "Eel". Those things are so creepy looking!
day 8- watch
Fans. Making penguins fly again.
Inktober Day 8 - Watch
How is everybody hanging in there?
day 9- pressure
Inktober Day 9 - "Pressure"
You know that feeling where you can keep working on something without even meaning to? Time just flies and before you know it, you're leveling up the whole project and find that you can either commit to plowing forward or learn how to KEEP IT SIMPLE?
Yeah, that's where I'm at
Lots of self restraint to not go overboard here, because boy I sure could!
This was a lot of fun! I mean, how do you design a tea pot without going all Beauty and the Beast with it?
I loooooved including sticks as the fire's arms and legs. This piece made me laugh~Have YOU laughed today? You should, it's good for you
And thanks to all the folks posting y'alls inktobers! Seeing your perseverance helps keep things festive, fun, and exciting! Cheers!Shani
Pit stop gone wrong. Too much pressure
@davidg This is so clever! Nice work!
Inktober Day 9 - pressure
Hey there
sharing my favorites from Inktober. Adventures of my kind monster Yara-Why