Share your Inktober projects!
Thank you - of course you're right in that all of our past work deserves the love and respect for the time and effort we've given it.
I just know I can do better, LOL, so, the embarrassment really helps to drive the improvement. But I get what you're saying, we all have whoopsie pieces - that's how we know we're getting better! Thank you for the boostAnd thank you for the kind words! Indeed, this baby is a cutey! I should have changed the leg a bit more, as you recommended, but I was way more focused on the face and hand. You're right about the leg though, I adjusted it a bit, but it could stand to be cuter
And WOW - you're doing your Inktober pieces from concept to final in one sitting? YEEEESH, bonus props to you! That's a lot to manage! And yet your work is still so lovely! I love your storytelling via point of views, like with the grey monochrome with the warm focal point piece [], and the texture and movement on Vessel is LOVELY. You're doing great! I love seeing your work
Thanks again @Koaila-art! Looking forward to seeing more ~
Shani -
Day 12 - Stuck
Tree trunk family Roof! -
If you ever hear wet cooing outside your window
Thereβs a fiddler on the roofβ¦
Day 13 - Roof
day 13-roof.
Day 13 - Roof
Day 13 - Roof
@TheArtBard aww thank you so much
we should follow each other on insta
Yara-Why continues his adventures
Inktober Day 13 - "Roof"
This was fun! I thought about drawing a really tall person who had to stoop all the time, but instead went with a super energetic kid pulling a spider down from the rafters. I challenged myself to move through this piece QUICKLY.
And yes, I've definitely noticed that my lighting is off. Oh well, it's InktoberCheers!
day 14-tick
Absolutely! @Koaila-art I'm in! Here's me Send me yours, or just connect and I'll probably recognize ya~
Shani -
Inktober Day 14 - "Tick"
I went with a spirity looking tick. A tick of the soul, if you will~
Kept it rather simple! I think I'm finally finding an inking style I can do quick and easy. Which is handy for those daily sketches~
I'm LOOOOVING y'alls works! Keep at it friends! We can do it!
Ticking and Crawling