Share your Inktober projects!
@TheArtBard aww thank you so much
we should follow each other on insta
Yara-Why continues his adventures
Inktober Day 13 - "Roof"
This was fun! I thought about drawing a really tall person who had to stoop all the time, but instead went with a super energetic kid pulling a spider down from the rafters. I challenged myself to move through this piece QUICKLY.
And yes, I've definitely noticed that my lighting is off. Oh well, it's InktoberCheers!
day 14-tick
Absolutely! @Koaila-art I'm in! Here's me Send me yours, or just connect and I'll probably recognize ya~
Shani -
Inktober Day 14 - "Tick"
I went with a spirity looking tick. A tick of the soul, if you will~
Kept it rather simple! I think I'm finally finding an inking style I can do quick and easy. Which is handy for those daily sketches~
I'm LOOOOVING y'alls works! Keep at it friends! We can do it!
Ticking and Crawling -
Day 14 - Tick
@Aleks7even really nice detail. Well done.
Day 14 - Ticking of the To-Do List!
Inktober Day 15 - "Helmet"
This was SUCH a hoot! This kid gets me~ What a little hellion! She's not wrong though - always wear your seatbelt
So yeah, we're halfway through Inktober, and mymymy, so much work! But I'm getting into the process of turning a piece around in under 24 hours. It really is a skill!
What would you name this helmet wearing hellion?
Happy Friday!
day 15-helmet-half way there!!!
This is for Knot
"Armor" for today. Working it through #CursedRelics2021 and #Inktober2021 has been WAY more fun this year without all the pressure that I put on myself last time I tried. Feeling good about my storytelling, I'm not used to that either.
What do you all think is going on with that relic anyways?!
Day 15 - Helmet (make that 2!)
Day 15 - Helmet