@KathrynAdebayo Agreed. And there's a story aspect to the lady and the plant's relationship too!
Great entries everyone! Here's my last minute effort. Been a tough month at home, but I didn't want to miss another arena!
Good luck all
@donnamakesart this is beautiful, great texture and shapes! @Jeremy-Ross great idea! @chrisaakins my fav of your great inktober series!
"A sprout is growing...
Out of a little floor crack.
In a corner of this Marine Musuem.
People browse the dead.
But I look at new life.
Sniff, sniff, touch, touch...
Aren't the living better than the lifeless?" -
@Jeremiahbrown Awesome!
Here is my entry!
@emily_elizabeth Thank you!
Hi everyone! Here is my entry for this months contest.
@Norman-Morana This is such a cute concept, love it!!
Here's my entry for this month, done just in time. I wasn't planning to enter, but got an idea and decided to run with it. It was a lot of fun!
So many fantastic entries! Here is my take on "Sprout" with my inktober characters Liam and Lancelot.
Hi all, hope you're all doing well. I've not been able to do any challenges for ages but managed this month's. Here is my entry, I don't tend to do black and white and always AVOID drawing people, but I've had a try.
@aurelia has my vote!!!
@donnamakesart Thank you
Your piece is so cool, I like these abstract shapes!
Sprout, from the piney woods of east texas
Here's what I ended up with this month
@emily_elizabeth I love this.
Thank you for submitting everybody!! Since this prompt is a tribute to Inktober, we'll be convening Critique Arena a week early!
Join us this Thursday, Nov 4 to vote for your favorites
We'll get started at the usual 2 pm MDT (click here to see other time zones). Event links will be emailed in the next couple days!
And just fyi, the November prompt is coming soon!
@LisaF oooh yayyyy. I love not having to wait 2 weeks for critique arena!