Intro: Round Two
Plan on this being the last introduction. Last year I signed up for a month and quickly pulled back like touching a hot stove.
This last year was an opportunity to let go of those stories. In fact I’m starting a new one.
As Three Point Perspective suggests, I created an Instagram account,(livingmyblissat56), and will post here as well to keep myself accountable as I move into my first year as outlined in the 2nd podcast (Am I to Old For This). As you can see by the Instagram account, I land a full two decades past those “old” ones they refer to. Yet, if I can live this day following my bliss, I’ll take it.
@abellebeingart Wow super inspiring! I'm really looking forward to seeing your work and following you artistic journey!
@abellebeingart said in Intro: Round Two:
I joined SVS at age 59 and am now 64. I'm not looking to be a professional illustrator but my goal is to learn to produce professional looking illustrations by the time I'm 90
Welcome to the forum.
@abellebeingart I'm right there with you, and then some. I'm five years into this illustration journey and I really do want to be a professional! The tough part about starting later is making enough time for it, because one has so many commitments started already, many of which are to people. But keep putting in the work and results will happen.
As Lee said the other night during the 100th podcast, when you don't have 40 years of career ahead of you, it's all about making every decision a good one. I can't say mine have always been good, but at least they are accumulating.
Welcome (again) to the forums!
Welcome. I am new here as well. Started on Jan 1st as my New Years Resolution. I will be retiring in the next few months, and plan on writing a Children’s book for my grandsons. I have been drawing/painting caricatures as a hobby, but never really did any Illustrations. Anyways, that’s my goal here as well, to learn Illustrations and hopefully be able to write and illustrate a couple books for my grandkids.
Welcome. It’s never too late to start doing something you love. Go for it and enjoy every second!
Welcome back @abellebeingart!
This is super cool. I'm so excited for you and your journey, which sounds terrifying and exhilarating. There is this really amazing illustrator named Lisa Congdon (@lisacongdon) who didn't start drawing until " later in life" and has since made a wonderful and meaningful career for her self.But most of all, she wrote and illustrated a book, A Glorious Freedom, highlighting several other women how followed their dreams later on in their lives. I believe there is even a woman who got her piloting license in her 70s (might be wrong about the age).
Either way. Do what makes you happy! Add more joy into your world, and when you are ready to share it, there is a community here waiting to support you.