Hi everyone. Oh man! everyone is so good this month
This post is deleted! -
Inspired by William Blake's poem, The Tyger.
Great job this month, everyone! -
@LisaF Can the entries for the Critique Arena include a line of text? I submitted an entry for the Tiger contest, and then noticed that no one else has included a line of text. This is my first time entering, so any guidance would be great. Thank you.
@maryannlucas People do it all the time. Go for it! Just remember that it is considered as part of your illustration though.
@moana-maureen I really like the style you created here. I would love to hear about your process. It almost looks like you painted it in oils. Did you do this in Photoshop? Details! I want details!
@chrisaakins This is my favorite, hands down. Such an original concept!
Here is my entry for January.
When I began thinking about concepts, I realized that my only firsthand associations with tigers were either from the circus or the zoo...neither one terribly popular ideas in this modern time. I began researching the native locations of tigers, and then began concepting with the location of India in mind, because I have always been fascinated by India: the beautiful people, the fashion, the colors, the amazing patterns...
I imagine a young girl growing up in an a family of acrobats who adopts a baby tiger and teaches it some amazing skills. I've got the cover, now I just need to make the book! -
@cory-leick very beautiful I love the colors
Hi everyone! Good to be back!
I initially struggled to come up with a concept for this one. After feeling frustrated & just wanting to sit out again, I ended up feeling inspired by my "imposter syndrome." Go figure! And the seedling of a new manuscript is born.
@asyas_illos Hilarious. Absolutely love it!
@cory-leick aww thanks!
@cory-leick I love your cover and the story behind it. So professional!

@chrisaakins Hi Chris, I'm happy to share details, glad you are interested
. So, I don't work in oils. I often do my backgrounds traditionally either in acrylics or watercolour. This one I did in acrylics. I draw the figures in pencil and then scan everything in and place them together in photoshop. I add some textures that I made and scanned in beforehand using one of the photoshop layer modes. So it's a mixed media approach. Hope this was helpful
@cory-leick Beautiful! Great colours and storytelling.
Here's my entry for January. Thought I'd practise some more lighting and perspective.
Loving all the entries this month! -
@merry-millergass I love this!
Mine is not spectacularly creative but I wanted to try drawing tigers so here it is. When I showed it to my adult son, he said, "Which one am I?" He thought it was autobiographical since I am a single mother with three kids
It's traditional watercolor overlaid with digital pen and ink (all mushed together in Procreate.)