Helpful Clipstudio Review from a professional using it for the first time
I've seen the topic of Clip Studio Paint vs Photoshop come up a lot in our community and thought Trent's, a 20-year Photoshop user and professional illustrator, new comparison video might be helpful (His other Youtube videos are great too):
Thank you so much for this. I’ve just started using CSP after about 20 years of Photoshop too. I found all of the materials downloads and settings all a bit daunting but I’m hoping it all becomes as natural as PS soon.
Good Afternoon. I still have Photoshop CS5.5 but haven't used it for a while now. I have been using CSP on both the iPad and Desktop for the past several years and I love it. My goal is to make my first children's book entirely in CSP. All of my work over the past few years has all be done in CSP.