Tips for submitting to Agents???
Hi everyone!
I'm making plans to submit to agents (once I take care of my website todos) and wanted to pick your brains for any tips! Below I have some specific questions in mind, but really any thoughts you have about the process would be amazing Thanks!
Should I be including some kind of introductory paragraph or cover letter with my submissions? I thought I read about this somewhere on the forum, but couldn't find the post again Are there things I should be sure to mention? Things I should stay away from? I was thinking of briefly mentioning the type of work I like to do and mentioning a couple of artists they represent that I admire. Is that good...? ...weird...?...unnecessary...?
For submissions that want images emailed individually (e.g. as JPGs instead of a website link), should I keep the number to 10? More/less? If I have that many, will I be shrinking them way down so I don't worry about file size?
@miranda-hoover I havn't applied to agents yet but I gathered some infos. I don't know if there are general rules beside the basics.
But I know that most agencies have very specific requirements about how to apply. So that is the only advise I can give, search these infos for every individual application and adjust everything to their requirements. -
@holumpa Ok! Thanks