Tablet Arm
Lately I've been getting a bit sick of sitting at my desk. Long hours at an office job, then illustrating on the side equals a lot of sitting and I'm starting to get uncomfortable. I'd like to be able to stand while drawing on my tablet.
Currently I use the default stand that came with my Kamvas 12 Pro, which is a flimsy bit of cheap plastic that folds up.
I'm looking to replace this with an arm or place it on some sort of height adjustable laptop desk.
I had tried this but returned it straight away as it couldn't hold the weight of the tablet (765g).
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
@skillydan My dream setup includes a Cintiq on an Ergotron arm. (one heck of an upgrade from an Ipad on a Lap.) There are lots of youtube review videos for this type of thing. Here's one:
@skillydan @Valerie-Light Hiya, I have a Cintiq 22HD with an Ergotron arm. It’s very versatile. I have it so the tablet overhangs the desk slightly over my lap so I do not need to lean over so much. You can position it so you could stand up to use it but it does have a bit of a wobble when you apply pressure so I have found having it pulled out towards you so it is still resting on the desk is best. It’s sturdy but not 100% solid so there is slight movement when drawing but I am used to it now. I like the fact you can fold it up out of the way when not in use so you have your desk space free. The fittings on the back of the 22HD that held the original metal stand match the Ergotron so that is something that would need checking with other tablets. I have taken a photo of the back for you. The keyboard sits on top is in a holder called a Cintweak but it is model-specific as it is moulded to the shape of the tablet casing. You may be able to get ones to fit other models. I have had this setup for many years so I’m not sure what kind of thing is available nowadays.
The Ergotron is a monitor/TV stand but can be used for the Cintiq so it didn’t show up initially as a drawing tablet stand when I was looking. I eventually found out about it by searching Google and finding recommendations on various forum/reddit posts so I would suggest searching for your tablet model and seeing if there are any discussions which can lead you to a similar solution especially as drawing tablets are being more popular. Good luck
@lizardillo Cool, Liz! Thank you much for taking the time to show us your setup. I love the flexibility of that work area!
@Valerie-Light Thanks for the video. I appreciate the help.
@lizardillo Thank you so much for sharing your setup. I'm a bit jealous! That's interesting about the wobble when fully stretched out. I imagine that's the case for most of these arms.
The fittings don't match those on the back of the Kamvas tablets, but I've seen that there are adapters out there.
That keyboard is very cool. Huion does offer something similar but I don't think it clips on anywhere.
Again, thank you both for your help. I'm going to take your advice and check out reddit.
No problem. I wanted to show how it attached to the back as I’m not sure how others attach and thought it may help if there was a similar heavy-duty tv/monitor arm alternative.
My desk isn’t always that clean by the way
@lizardillo haha, I couldn't possibly share a photo of my setup without first organising stacks of books, dusting, hoovering, plastering, and repainting the walls!
@skillydan I’d literally be giving you a tour of home if you wanted to see my work space lol