Has anyone else been contacted by a Mark Oliver about artwork for a presentation? I’m hesitant because it sounds too easy in addition to the payment by cashier’s check or certified bank check. Seems like all the major scams start out this way. Thanks for your input and opinions!!
@pinky Hey there. Yeah. I read a post last week that went over this same scenario. They offer to pay for work and then accidentally send too much and ask for the over payment back. Then you send it to them and the original $$ goes missing. I'd be very careful! Good luck.
Search for scam in the forums, you’ll see an ongoing thread.
If it sounds too good to be true, it too often is. Search for their names or the overall message. You’re likely to see fraud alerts. Never take anything where you’re contacted cold at face value. They count on you wanting easy money and doing no research. You already smell scam; trust your sniffer.
@crispalomino thanks so much!
@KatrinaF Thanks!