@Cayleen This concept is so clever and funny!
@crispalomino She stepped off her blanket to pick up a dollar and a bell fell out of the sky right where she had been sitting.
Thank you for the feedback. There’s still time to figure out if I can save/clarify it or if I can get a second entry in that’s more clear.
@Johanna-Kim Ha! Thank you!
Well no one is particularly 'lucky' in my illustrations but there are sprites selling 3 types of luck!
So I doubt I'll be chosen for critique arena because I may have missed the mark but I'm happy with how the image turned out. I learned a lot in my process where I'm blending a sketchy line art with a sort of comic book coloring feel.
Thanks for looking and good luck everyone!
Random flock of birds put this girl in a spot of bad luck
@KevinTreaccar I think the direction you're moving in style wise looks great. Keep up the great work.
@KathrynAdebayo Thank you!
a lucky duck may not be as lucky as he thinks...
This month was a struggle for me! I just did not get an idea I liked that would fit into one page. So here we are. But I'm loving that we know the prompts ahead of time now. It's amazing what a few extra days/weeks of letting an idea simmer can do for the creative process!
My first time entering the Critique Arena (feels somewhat Thunderdome-esque). Hopefully, luck will be on my side and I'll get some feedback.
@Stephanie-Leonard love your rendering on this!
@Valerie-Light i like that its two images, and its a fun little story youre telling!
@MM_ILLU Thank you!
Easter was Penelope's lucky day!
@MM_ILLU Thank you!
Sometimes the same situation can be both lucky....and unlocky depending on how you view it.
@AngelinaKizz What a great image! I love mermaids and you captured this so beautifully. Love the coloring on the old ladies hand.
@KatrinaF awe thankyou!
Our luck can change, moment to moment.