Need help with a new project/client
Last quick follow up question that I don't remember being covered in CBpro:
What are most AD's expected time frames for submitting projects in relation to their deadlines?
For example, AD puts a deadline for sketches at Jun 5th, but the illustrator finishes the sketches on May15th. How long should the illustrator wait before submitting those sketches, so that they are early enough to be helpfully but not too early to be a nuisance? Thank you!
@jeremiahbrown how exactly did you go about the email blast, gathering contacts, figuring out what to include? If there info on this stuff in the podcast and/or in classes?
What are most AD's expected time frames for submitting projects in relation to their deadlines?
That's a great question!
No doubt this will be different for everyone, but if I'm done really early I'll hold the image(s) and send it 3 to 5 days earlier than the specified deadline.Right now I'm getting ready to send off the cover art for a new picture book. The deadline for cover art is next Tuesday. But I'm done, and looking to generate some goodwill and confidence from the AD, so I'm submitting today.
@davidhohn Awesome, thanks a lot, that's so helpful!
@Griffin I don't have a great method for email blasting really, just a bunch of googling. Anoosha Sayed has a pretty good Youtube video if I remember correctly, and I think there's a 3PP podcast that mentions tips. Also, I think our very own community member @NessIllustration has a helpful video or two on this topic. I had watched/listened to these resources several months back and never acted but this time I just started googling and googling... things like "agents", "kid's magazines", "art directors", etc., found contacts, and then sent them emails. It took 2 full days to do it all and I'm sure half of my emails went to inactive inboxes or someone's dog, but doing nothing hadn't gotten me any results, so I figured I'd try something.
Thanks everyone for your help and insights (especially @davidhohn for your extremely thorough response)! They were really helpful and made the process really simple and enjoyable.
The art director gave me permission to share the artwork before the release so here are 4 of the 6. The images are for the upcoming July '22 issue of Spider magazine for the short story Outsmarting the Saturday Similes by Joel Stetler. Thanks again! -
@Jeremiahbrown Congratulations! This series looks great. Happy to assist in any small way.
@Jeremiahbrown Wow! Great work! You really nailed it on the chaotic scenes!
Amazing @davidhohn! Thanks for sharing your process; this would be a good course
Wow @Jeremiahbrown! Super dynamic and full of movement and emotions. You nailed it!
@Jeremiahbrown congrats on the job! These look really great!
Fantastic pieces Jeremiah! Congrats on the job, and hopefully many more ahead of you.
Thanks everyone!