Portfolio Reviews
Besides the SCBWI portfolio days there's also 3x3mag.com and the Illustration department
@Martha-Sue If you join AOI (https://theaoi.com/product/illustrator-membership/) you can buy portfolio reviews really reasonably
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@Jeremiahbrown thank you so much!
@Jeremiahbrown Have you done one with 3x3 before? I just signed up, it looks like it's a 3 hr block and you get an assigned time, do a lot of people attend or is it private sessions?
@Martha-Sue Yes, I have. It's a 30 minute block with just you and the person doing the critiquing and he goes over your web page and instagram. It's pretty helpful and encouraging at times but also brutal and honest which is more of what I was looking for. He didn't sugarcoat anything.
@Jeremiahbrown Oh that's great, I'm looking for an honest POV. The instructions say to upload 6 individual images as a PDF. That's great to hear they also look at your webpage and IG. So no context/text is needed on those 6 images? I was starting to wonder how to format that for them.
@Martha-Sue I highly recommend the Illustration Dept.'s portfolio review. Giuseppe is honest, encouraging, and very thorough. You can choose a face-to-face review or for a little less $, he will email you a video of himself looking through your portfolio website (you'll see your work as he's looking at it and hear him talking, not just a video of him). He also offers mentorships and PB Dummy critiques if you are looking for that.
I've done a video portfolio review and a 3 month mentorship with him. Both fantastic.
@StudioLooong thank you!!!
@Martha-Sue Yeah, no context needed. It's pretty thorough too.
@AmberRavenscroft @Jeremiahbrown @Martha-Sue Fig Taylor came to my University over 10 years ago and she was a knowledgeable person then, and very friendly. She also wrote a piece in the 2017 Writers and Artists Yearbook.