@chrisaakins I love the mood you set in this one
Here is my entry!
This is my first entry!
And my second attempt at the prompt.
This is one of my entries, hoping to have the other finished soon as well -
@Jeremiahbrown Love the energy! I feel like I am there.
@chloekrog Welcome first time entry!!! I really like the old man's expression!
Hello everyone. New guy here, and this is my first post! I'm excited to explore everything. Here is my entry for storm!
^ My second entry, which I'm really not as happy with as the first, but -
@Jim-Bot so cute! Love your vibrant colors. Great mood!
A little too close for comfort...
@Jeremiahbrown Great work!
@chloekrog Love your characters:)
Okay, this is my first submission ever. Whew!
@Kristen-Lango Thanks so much
If I remember correctly, @Lee-White said in last month's Critique Arena that every entry should be Storm from the X-men this month. I hope I got that right.