Down to the wire again! Submitted a little late this month because I was having trouble making sure the file name was correct with my iPad.
Lesson learned. Can’t wait to see how everyone does!
I haven't done Critique Arena in a while, so I'm excited to jump back in! Here's my submission.
I thought we were able to submit multiple entries, but maybe that's changed? The SVS portal didn't let me submit a second. (If someone knows which it is and could let me know, I would appreciate it!) This was something I worked on last year that happened to be relevant to the prompt as well:
@AngelinaKizz You really worked this idea up and I really like the finished artwork and its a great idea.
@baileyvidler A lovely flow to everything and beautiful colour, great design and characters, I really like this piece. A very professional piece of artwork, love the hat and the size of the picture works really well.
I took a little hiatus from drawing, and a long hiatus from the forums! Managed to submit this just in the nick of time!
There's a lot of well-rendered entries with creative concepts. May the best piece win!
@andreazupcsan Nice! I love a lot of aspects of your piece. I like how you manage to put lots of different patterns in the scene, and they make it interesting but aren’t at all distracting.
@baileyvidler Awesome work! I think there’s someone you email if you want to do more than one entry…
@Sarah-VanDam Austin! There's an email address on the submission page.
@j-sienkowski awe, thank you! That’s so kind! I like yours too. Love the colors!
@andreazupcsan This is so wonderful!
After the storm
@andreazupcsan That expression and gesture tells the story. Love the patterns and details
@baileyvidler very creative and so happy!
@Annabishop wow. great concept and execution.
@j-sienkowski This one surprised me. very different and creative.
@skeletortoise love the giant. the tree backscratcher is so funny
@baileyvidler nice work you can email separate entries to @AustinShurtliff at
@Katherine Wow, What a beautiful illustration.
@Jonathan-Malski so fun and expressive love your loose style
My first digital drawing ever!