@ann-nadine Welcome! Congratulations on your possible upcoming book! This is a great group to ask questions about contracts and licensing as you sort things out. I've also gotten a lot of great pricing info from @NessIllustration and Anoosha Syed on Youtbue.
@ann-nadine Yes, you can gain a lot from the courses, the forum and the podcasts especially the first 70 or more which give a lot of detailed advice about all aspects of illustration. The recent podcasts are much simpler in comparison answering students questions or interviewing people.
@ann-nadine Yes, you can gain a lot from the courses, the forum and the podcasts especially the first 70 or more which give a lot of detailed advice about all aspects of illustration. The recent podcasts are much simpler in comparison answering students questions or interviewing people.
@AngelinaKizz Isernia in Molise
@danielerossi ciao and grazie! Where in Italy?
@Kristen-Lango ciao Kristen, I'm happy to meet you virtually for now. I'm planning to go to Sicily but next year! Hopefully you come back or visit me here in the north
Be aware, it'll be very very hot in the south but Sicily is sooo beautiful
@Valerie-Light ciao Valerie thank you for the tip, I will surely check them out. In fact I have a few questions myself on pricing and rights... Will definitely check those Youtube videos
@danielerossi oh I just saw this now. Lovely region!
@ann-nadine Ciao e benvenuta! Where are you near Venice? I like that region though I haven't been to Venice itself in ages. I'm in Turin.
@LauraA ciao Laura, grazie! I live in Padua, it's around 30km from Venice
I was in Turin last fall, such a beautiful elegant city.
@ann-nadine Yes, I have been to Padua! I love those middle-sized cities.
@LauraA how wonderful! Next time you visit let me know. I am always happy to meet fellow illustrators!
How is illustration work going for you here in Italy? I think it's a bit daunting and sometimes demoralizing for me. But I keep going.
@ann-nadine Very nice, I hope you'll have a marvelous time. Oh yes I'm very aware, we come every summer for about a month
I'm here now in Mazara enduring the heat haha
We will definitely have to try to meet up next year -
@ann-nadine Work in Italy is less available, pays much less, and has a different style than in the US. So I'm orienting my work towards a US market.
I haven't been to Padova in years, but if I do get the chance, I'll let you know!
Salut, Nadine! Bienvenue. I have been a member here for a year, but I am not super active on the forum. I actually live in France, and my husband is French. Je suis sΓ»r que tu seras heureux ici! J'ai hΓ’te de voir tes illustrations.
@AlliFaith Hi Allison, merci beaucoup! So glad to find you here and share the same passion for watercolor illustrations. Where in France do you live?
I'm sharing with you some illustration
This is from the picture book I'm illustrating. It's actually set in a small town near Paris.
This is another one for a picture book I made.
I hope you like them! Bisous
@LauraA that's right... I've been pushing my work abroad too to move things forward. Let's hope it goes well for both of us!
@ann-nadine They're beautiful! How exciting to be working on a picture book! Oh, and I live near Lyon but in the process of moving south, near Montpellier.
@AlliFaith thank you ma chère! What an inspiring place you are moving to: sunny, beautiful and delightful Montpellier, and everything around it.